Do you ever feel like you’re going insane trying to keep up with the hectic world you live in?  Me, too.  As a matter of fact, I start wondering how I went from allowing the Spirit to help me foster love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control to having… an empty tank and fumes.  And it can go from one to the other in a matter of hours.  The world is a tricky place for a Christian to be “in, but not of.”  As a result of having about a week of not much success in this area, I decided I needed to go back to the basics.  How does the fruit of the Spirit grow within us?  We have “crucified the flesh with its passions and desires,” we live by the Spirit, and we walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:24-25).  But how?  We allow God to guide us by staying rooted in His word and doing what it says, always evaluating our spiritual walk and helping others to do the same.  In keeping with this theme of study, I wanted to share a good supplimental thought.  The following song helped me identify weaknesses in myself and my hope is that it will be as helpful for you. 

Take time to be holy, Speak oft’ with thy Lord;

    Abide in Him always, And feed on His word.

    Make friends of God’s children, Help those who are weak;

    Forgetting in nothing, His blessing to seek.

Take time to be holy, The world rushes on;

    Spend much time in secret With Jesus alone.

    By looking to Jesus, Like Him thou shalt be;

    Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.

Take time to be holy, Let him be thy Guide;

     And run not before Him, Whatever be-tide.

     In joy or in sorrow, Still follow thy Lord;

     And looking to Jesus, Still trust in His word.

Take time to be holy, Be clam in thy soul;

    Each thought and each motive Beneath His control

    Thus lead by His Spirit To fountains of love

    Thou soon shalt be fitted For service above.

“Take Time to be Holy” by William D. Longstaff, 1874