90 Seconds of Peace is all about keeping sane as a family when your only option is being in close quarters nearly 24/7. These videos are a free resource to help families learn how to thrive, rather than just survive together.

Sometimes all you need is 2 minutes to breathe and regroup. As a homeschooling mom of four, I know that feeling well. But, for moms who worked outside the home before the COVID-19 pandemic, unforeseen challenges have erupted in their homes as the entire world has shifted. Many are now trying to work from home… which can be a challenge with schools closed.

The 24/7-ness of it all can be unnerving. But this is a tremendous opportunity for families to become more closely connected to each other than ever before!

It just isn’t going to happen by accident.

It’s true that “if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” But, it’s equally true that “if mama tends to over-react, everybody else will, too.” #guaranteed

Reducing tension and reinventing your home to be your family’s haven of peace IS possible. But it’s a lofty goal that requires commitment from you, the mother. #TruthBomb … You are the emotional thermostat in your home.

With that in mind, I’d like to make 90 Seconds of Peace something moms can tap into for reminders about how to keep a level head and foster peace in the home by focusing on shaping hearts, instead of just correcting behaviors.

Again, this is completely anonymous. I just wanted to hear ideas about specific issues to discuss in upcoming videos. Pick a category below!

Thanks for your suggestions!